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essay Should voting be mandatory for all citizens ssc chsl tier 2

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essay Should voting be mandatory for all citizens ssc chsl tier 2

essay Should voting be mandatory for all citizens ssc chsl tier 2


India, on account of having the largest number of registered voters, is the world’s largest democracy. It provided all the citizens with the right to vote under the Representation of People’s Act, 1951 right from the time of independence, without discrimination of any kind. Unfortunately, there are many who do not exercise this right, which gives rise to the question of whether voting should be made mandatory or not.


Those in favour cite lower voter turnout as their chief argument. This, as per them, leads to the election of criminals and other unworthy candidates as our legislators. Making voting mandatory will make people choose the right candidate is their belief, as then people will stop treating the voting day as a holiday and will instead vote like responsible citizens.


Although potent that argument sounds, it has some fundamental flaws in it. Voting is a right. Making a right a compulsion goes against the very spirit of rights. Moreover, there are several practical difficulties in implementing it.


The sick, the elderly, and the disabled might find it difficult to go out and vote. Similarly, daily wagers cannot afford to miss a day’s wage and exercise this right. If voting becomes...To continue read this click here

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