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Essay Why is the monsoon important for Indian economy for SSC

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Essay Why is the monsoon important for Indian economy for SSC

Essay Why is the monsoon important for Indian economy for SSC

Monsoon is the lifeblood of India’s farm-dependent economy. It is critical for keeping the economic engine chugging along in India.


India gets around 70% of its annual rainfall during the monsoon season, which affects the yield of key Kharif or summer crops like rice, pulses, and oilseeds such as soybeans. A good monsoon leads to bumper farm output that keeps food prices under control whereas a delayed monsoon can lead to supply issues and even accelerate food inflation. In a good monsoon season, farm output goes up, boosting demand for consumer goods as well as the income of rural people. This leads to a stronger economy. A stronger economic outlook tends to lift the stock prices continue reading this topic click here

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