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Essay Universal basic income vs Subsidy for CHSL 2021

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Essay Universal basic income vs Subsidy for CHSL 2021

Essay Universal basic income vs Subsidy for CHSL 2021

Universal Basic Income (UBI) ensures every citizen a right to minimum income to cover one’s basic needs as a long-term solution to reduce poverty and alarming inequalities in the country. It can serve as a safety net in situations where the economy is unable to generate jobs. Unlike farm loan waivers, universal basic income does not impair credit culture and, unlike farmer-specific transfers, does not discriminate based on occupation or tie-down people to farming. 


In India, many existing subsidy schemes are plagued with issues such as leakages in the delivery system, misidentification of beneficiaries, exclusion of deserving households, as well as inadequate and untimely delivery. But replacing them with the UBI continue reading this topic click here

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