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Effective Essay Writing Techniques

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Effective Essay Writing Techniques

Effective essay writing Techniques

Selection First

Generally, the question paper presents the candidate with choices that touch different fields.

Now, what generally happens in the exam hall is that- we start writing in excitement on the first topic that hits our mind. However, this should be avoided. Generally, our mind gets excited to see anything that we might have read lately. Thus, it inclines our attention towards that topic. However, our initial interest in a topic doesn't need to be a hint towards our expertise on it. Thus, we highly recommend that you should analyze every topic carefully, and give a thought about your level of competency for each topic.

Planning Pays 

You might have chosen a few examples you want to use or have an idea that will help you answer the selected topic of your essay.

And it’s fine to write them first in rough! But even the best-written essays can fail because of ineffectively placed arguments. So keep in mind – 3 important parts of essay:

  • Introduction 
  • Body 
  • Conclusion

Introduction: The first impression

Introduction can be the most difficult part of a paper to write. Usually when you sit down to respond to an assignment, you have at least some sense of what you want to say in the body of your paper. The first sentence – the topic sentence - of your body paragraphs needs to have a lot of individual pieces to be truly effective. 

You never get a second chance to make a first impression

The opening paragraph of your paper will provide your examiner with their initial impressions of your argument, your writing style, and the overall quality of your work. A vague, disorganized, error-filled, irrelevant, or boring introduction will probably create a negative impression.

Your introduction is an important road map for the rest of your paper. 

Your introduction conveys a lot of information to your examiner. You can let them know what your topic is, why it is important, and how you plan to proceed with your discussion.

Ideally, your introduction will make your examiner want to read your essay

The introduction should capture the examiner’ interest, making him want to read the rest of your essay. Opening with a compelling story, an interesting question, or a vivid example can get the examiner to see why your topic matters and serves as an invitation for him to join you for an engaging intellectual conversation.

Open with something that will draw the examiner in. Consider these options 

A provocative “Quotation” 

Using a quote will make your essay sound fresh and establish your authority as an author.

For example, for an essay on women empowerment, Women and Economy, Women entrepreneurs in India. 

“Women as the motherhood of the nation should be strong, aware and alert”.

Quotes from Famous People

Including a quote from an authoritative and influential person can help support your argument and create an intriguing hook. The key is to make sure that you clearly show how the quote is relevant to your essay. 

For example, for an essay on women empowerment, Women and Economy, Women entrepreneurs in India.

“We cannot all succeed if half of this are held back” –Malala Yousufazai

“There is no tool for development more effective than the empowerment of women.”- Kofi Annan.

Pose a Question

Almost nothing can attract interest better than a well-constructed question. The examiner will want to continue reading your essay in order to discover the answer. Be sure to avoid simple “Yes” or “No” questions and try to pose questions that ask the examiner to consider the other side or engage in some critical thinking.


“What would you do if you were invited to host a famous game show?”

Include an Interesting Fact or Definition

These types of hooks start by surprising the examiner with something that may not have known. Provide an interesting fact about something you are going to discuss in your essay’s body and the examiner wants to keep reading to learn more.

For an essay on –Problem of Brain Drain in India

According to a U.N.O. report, thousands of experts migrate from backward countries like India to highly advanced countries like the U.S.A., U.K., Canada, Germany, etc. The U.S. has been the biggest gainer from the brain drain in India.


By listing proven facts at the very beginning of your paper, you will create interest that can be carried throughout the rest of the essay.


For an essay on Social Networking: A Boon or A Bane 

“70% of all jobs found today were got through different networking strategies”

 For an essay on - Cross Border Terrorism in India, Terrorism in India

“According to a report issued by global terrorism index 2014, India was ranked among the top ten countries to be significantly affected by terrorism activities in 2013”. 

Reveal a Common Misconception

The most interesting essays will teach the examiner something new. If you start your introduction by showing that a commonly accepted truth is actually false, your examiner will be instantly hooked.


“While most coffee enthusiasts would tell you that their favorite drink comes from a bean, they would be wrong. Coffee is actually made from a seed that is simply called a bean.

Main Body: The storehouse of your essay

Effective Analysis and Organization

An effective and scoring essay must be properly organized. Sufficient background should be given to make it clear that you understood the topic well. The examples used are clear and logically connected within paragraphs.

Make sure to use the what/why/what  

  • What are the techniques used to solve the problem related to the given topic?
  • Why did you try to use those techniques?
  • What effect does their use have?

Organization in the essay is aided by transitions between all paragraphs, which create a smooth, consistent argument that is easy to follow

Use of Active voice

Wherein the subjects direct actions rather than let the actions "happen to" them.

"He scored a 97%" instead of "he was given a 97%" – is a much more powerful and attention-grabbing way to write. At the same time, unless it is a personal narrative, avoid personal pronouns like I, My, or Me. It is better to use we or the pronoun ‘one’.

Aim for Variety

Sentences and vocabulary of varying complexity are one of the hallmarks of effective writing. If you are asked about "money," you could try "wealth" or "riches." At the same time, avoid beginning sentences with the dull pattern of "subject + verb + direct object." 

Make Sure to Use Transitions!

Words such as however, therefore, but also are good ways to transition from one thought to another. What makes them especially useful in creative writing is the fact that they push emphasis onto whatever event that you are bringing about. This allows for more drama and suspense, while also keeping the story flowing smoothly!

Avoid repetition of words or phrases.

When you are writing, try to avoid using the same words and phrases over and over again. You have to be a little variant and can make the same idea sparkle.

Focus on - How?

Most essays answer the question, “What?” Good essays answer the “Why?” The best essays answer the “How?”

If you get stuck trying to make your argument, or you’re struggling to reach the required word count, try focusing on the question, “How?” 

For example:

How do we help in eradicating the problem faced by working women in India? 

If you focus on how, you’ll always have enough to write about.

Conclusion: Your last chance to impress

  •  The conclusion should be short and impressive.This is the last chance to impress the examiner.
  • In your essay, you should not use the words ‘in conclusion’ or ‘conclusion’ anywhere. This is so that the essay conclusion can appear natural.

Echoing the introduction

Echoing your introduction can be a good strategy if it is meant to bring the examiner full-circle. If you begin by describing a scenario, you can end with the same scenario as proof that your essay was helpful in creating a new understanding.

For Example Essay on Computers and children 

Introduction: In today's modern world, computers are an essential part of everyday life. Around the globe, children often use computers from a very young age. Although it is important for children to participate in various well-balanced activities, also children who use the computer daily are actually developing a critical skill for future success. 

Conclusion: there is no doubt that the computer is a technological tool around the globe. The sooner children become computer-literate, the better for many aspects of their future lives.

End with a summary

A typical and traditional way to conclude an essay is by restating the thesis and summarising its main support points. Such an ending very often occurs in a relatively long essay containing a number of important points; it may also occur in some short essays as well. However when using this form of conclusion, summarise the points in the introduction and the key points in all the main body paragraphs differently, but most persuasively. 

Ponder the question and answer it

Try to show the examiner that you are pondering over the serious questions raised from the topic and try to synthesize and answer them in the conclusion.

For Example in women empowerment essay 

Conclusion: Well, it was important because it was a key to bring women empowerment in the Indian society, it needs to understand and eliminate the main cause of the ill practices against women which is a patriarchal and male dominated system of the society.

In Reservation: a boon or bane essay

Conclusion:  Basically, I’m just saying that reservation is a bane as who will want to work hard if one gets an opportunity and other incentives without burning the midnight oil? 

Instead of encouraging this kind of lethargy, the policy should be formulated in such a way as to harness the real cream of every section of the society regardless of their caste or community for the betterment of the society.

Don’t mention new information in your conclusion

Never try to introduce a new idea in the conclusion part. It only causes your examiner to be confused and it reduces the importance of your topic that you have tried so hard to develop throughout your essay. 


As you can see, the problem of smoking on our campus can be very detrimental to students, but the lack of online classes is an even worse problem.

Looking to the future

Looking to the future can emphasize the importance of your paper or redirect the examiner' thought process. It may help them apply the new information to their lives or see things more globally.


If higher-paying careers continue to attract the best and the brightest students, there will not only be a shortage of good teachers. Our youth will suffer. And when youth suffers, the future suffers.

Practice! Practice! Practice!

In the end, though, remember that good writing does not happen by accident. Although we have tried to explain everything that goes into effective essay writing in as clear and concise a way as possible, it is much easier in theory than it is in practice.

Practice writing sample essays on various topics. Even if they are not masterpieces at first, a bit of regular practice will soon change that – and make you better prepared when it comes to the real exam.

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