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A country can progress through economic development ssc chsl t2

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Essay A country can progress through economic development not through army ssc chsl tier 2

Essay A country can progress through economic development not through army ssc chsl tier 2

Even though the military strength of a country is in favor of the growth of a nation and protects it from outside threats, the real strength of a nation lies in its economic development, not in its army.


Through economic development, the nation ensures the economic, political, and social well-being of its citizens. An inclusive and sustainable development approach leads to the growth of the nation by increasing jobs and standard of living, decreasing disparities between rich and poor, reducing poverty and associated crimes, strengthening a nation on its economic upfront, thus helping it to emerge as a superpower.


Martin Luther said, “Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.” Purchasing continue reading this topic click here

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